Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bachelor: Episode 2

Well this week was Team Dwags. Kacie B pulled ahead of everyone with her one on one. I was cringing the entire time. She pulled out the baton twirling/seduction and won him over. I hate to say it, but whoever gets to be there when Ben is watching home videos of his dad already gets into the final four. Wah wah.

My shine queen Courtney got some good attention from Ben though! Courtney and Blakeley are basically fighting over villain in the house. I think Courtney will last longer. It is great to have the villain on your team because you know she will make it far for drama on the show. Courtney is not as glamorous as I thought, but she is totally this year's Michelle.

Oh, I have to mention the part when Ben was talking to his dog Scotch! Dwags and I were dying because it reminded us of the Ashley/Ben scene last year when they did their cutesy doggie voices. Here is the link which might make you sick:


It hurts to see one of my players go home! Jenna basically got herself kicked off by saying she is "basically a guy". She looked disoriented and drunk the entire time. I get it, I made a bad pick! But I am glad she is gone so I don't have to worry about it every week.

But where was Shawn? Sorry L$, your number two pick is out of there. And no one seemed to care.

Ben-give Nikki some love next week, mmkay?


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